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To anyone reading... I am a Sport Management major at Ohio Northern University. As you can see from my interests, Sports are my passion. These will probably be the majority of my topics. I'm Greek if you couldn't tell by the flag.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Marketing on Youtube: The Basics

    When companies make videos on their Youtube channel, are they really trying to entertain us? No, it is just another form of marketing to them. However, they can make some pretty entertaining videos at times. According to the 2016 Social Media Marketing Workbook, these companies are trying to market themselves through viral marketing. Basically trying to make a viral video that they can put their companies name on. Well, I guess I could have used this chapter before I attempted to make a video for a Flag Football program  for my internship over the summer.
    Anyway, companies use YouTube for their marketing plans in three ways.
1). Supportive Videos
You can make YouTube videos that just support your company. When companies use this, they are basically using YouTube as a hosting platform instead of a promotional system. This category is where my video would be under. It was meant to show prospects our many different flag football programs that we had.

2). Search/ SEO
  You can also make videos that will fall under a persons need. Basically, Your company can make videos that people will need to search for when they are in need. For example. Schwinn makes a video on how to change a bike tier. Therefore, anyone who needs a tier changed, can just search on YouTube and find the official Schwinn "How to" video.

3). Share/Viral
You can also make videos that have a chance to go viral. These videos will need to have emotional content that can make someone watch it. For example, A soda company records people choosing between their soda over a competitors soda. Of course some humor might be involved, but that is what makes it viral.

Hope this helps anyone that needs to make a video for an internship, or job.

Until Next Time,

The Third

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